About us

Welcome into your heart!

We would like to thank you for beeing present in this sacred place.

It’s time to celebrate your heart and feel alive.

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Raphael Vangelista

Passionate, in love with life, elite athlete, ex-physical trainer, hyperactive and hypersensitive person, open minded, I'm constantly seeking coherence and I ofent wanted to find the sens of my life on this planet. I've always been interessted in the human body, slowly discovering what shapes it and beeing amazed by his creation. After more than 10 years working on myself and practicing as a healing person through different type of classical and alternative medicin therapy, I've explored many dimensions of the human been and his soul. Today still, I'm amazed and fascinated by the infinite univers opening behind every person which I guide in their own trip finding their innerself. I'm for ever gratefull to be part of this all life. I'm pleased to witness and help so many people awakening. Thank you for so much Love.

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Laure Renevier

Therapist, artiste, creator, wisdom keeper, heart gardener; a rainbow between the sky and Earth. I enjoy to connect all being to the unity. In love with the energy of life. I joyfully spend my time taking care of my relationship with all that exist, as much on the human plan as on the vegetal, animal, mineral and ethereal plan. My career and life history allowed me to be at ease with my hypersensitivity. What I used to believe as delicate and weak, turn out to be a strentgh and a usefull tool to heal myself and help others. The energetic healing EnVie session are like a melody that echo with the rhythm of your heart, the place of origin of your soul. Through integration, alignment, atuning, practical exercices and divers methods, I guide you into your own and inner potential.