Welcome to this favourable space for experiencing your heart energy and consciouness.
We offer you divers activations process, meditation, videos and document free to download in order to have your own experience at home.
Choose with your heart what makes your feel great and thrills you.
Guided Activation/Meditations
1. Unified Chakras Activation
This activation/meditation is design to help your chakras to stay open, aligned and connected to your multy-dimensional being.
By practicing this activation regularly, you’ll train the different part of yourself to merge toogether, making you more present and aware of your spirit and able to follow it with each breath.
It takes around 3 weeks of regular practice in order to an alternated state of consciouness to start to occure.
Find a quiet a confortable place for your practice. It is best done in sitting position with your spine and chakras aligned verticaly.
We suggest you to do it daily. It takes only 10 minutes which allow you to fit your practice easly into your schedule.
As you progress in your meditation it is important to feel and takes notes about what is going on on your fields and body.
Headphones for full experience.
We wish you the best experience ever.
Listen to your hear.
Respect yourself.
Simply love yourself more and more…
We’d like to thank every authors who have recieved and canalised this meditation.
Audio link: Unified Chakra Activation
Text link: U.C.A text