Workshop I


2024 / Vaud-Geneva

The main goal of this workshop is to make you discover your own clairsentience and to grow your connection with the energy of heart through simple exercices. Clairsentience is an ability to feel and experience the energy in an intuitive way. This energy stream includes other people’s feelings, inanimate objects, spiritual insights, and premonitions of the future. Basically, you become more aware of all types of energetic vibrations which surround us and have influence on our own body and emotions. This mind opening and awerness improves your self-confidence, helps you to be more coherent and allows you to better discern what’s happening in you every day life.

All along the week-end and through many experiences, meditations and exercices, we’ll guide you to deeply understand the way your own clairsentience wokrs out and how to use it.

This workshop takes usually place on the week-end for two full days.

The groupe size is 10 people at the most, all ages together

No prerequisite.